CyberGuru earns distinction through demonstrated technology success and customer commitment. CyberGuru has achieved a silver Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions competency, demonstrating its ability to meet Microsoft Corp. customers’ evolving needs in today’s mobile-first, cloud-first world. To earn a Microsoft silver competency, partners must successfully demonstrate expertise through rigorous exams, culminating in Microsoft certifications. And […]
Are you running Windows Live Mail 2012 to check your email address? It’s time to update your email application. Get updated with a free one-year Microsoft Office 365 Personal subscription. Microsoft has recently announced that it is no longer supporting email accounts on Windows Live Mail, as it is now using the latest […]
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since Microsoft launched Windows 10. Windows 10 was announced being the “last version of Windows” with future updates all forming part of what is known as Windows as a Service which will provide regular updates to users of the service. Since Windows 10 was launched, Microsoft have […]
Chris Jeffery, Proprietor/Chief Guru of CyberGuru is excited to present at this year’s CLICK! Digital Expo on 11 November 2016. Chris will be presenting on the main stage at 10:00am on “7 secrets to making the most of your computer system” as the first of nine sessions throughout the day. Suitable for any knowledge level, […]
Whether you believe in resolutions or not, making a list of action items can help you achieve your goals. Now is the ideal time to reflect on how you and your business performed last financial year and consider how you can make this financial year more prosperous and exciting. Here’s some tips to get you […]
So you’ve held off from upgrading to Windows 10 until now, thinking that you’ll do it once Microsoft has ironed out the bugs. Well if you’re going to take the leap, now is the time! Many people have held off upgrading to Windows 10 either due to concerns about stability or because it is incompatible […]
It is hard to believe but in July we are celebrating 19 years of helping clients make the most out of technology! From the early days as a pimple-faced teenager playing with computers as a hobby, to nearly two decades on making a living out of it! We would like to thank everyone for their […]
In this month’s instalment of Ask CyberGuru, we answer the question, “What happens if I forget to renew my domain name registration?”. When you buy an Australian domain name (such as,, and you own the use of that domain for the term of the registration (usually two years). If you forget to renew your domain […]
Last Friday CyberGuru’s Proprietor/Chief Guru, Chris Jeffery had the honour of speaking at the Seniors Safety Forum on cyber security. Speaking alongside the Queensland Ambulance Service and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Chris informed the local seniors in the community how to protect themselves against phone and internet scammers. Chris spoke about phone and internet […]
We are excited to share with you a new offer valid until June 30, 2016. We had such an interest from clients and prospective clients wanting to minimise their tax this year that we have decided to make a special offer to help with this. For a limited time only, a pre-pay for five hours […]