It’s been confirmed, Google has announced that in July 2018 they will begin to identify all websites that do not have SSL certificates as “not secure”. Have you checked whether your website is displaying as secure? You can check whether your website by seeing if your website if your website address bar contains HTTPS. As […]
It’s nearly the end of financial year! As another tax time rolls around, you may be considering tax deductions, ways to maximise your income or finalising budgets for next financial year. Whilst buying discounted office supplies and stationary during the “end of financial year sales” may provide for some of these, it’s timely to think […]
Having a website is like having a virtual shop front to your business and provides the ability for your visitors to come and browse you and identify possible products and services they may like to buy. However, like a physical shop front, you should ensure you have security measures in place to protect the information […]
CyberGuru is proud to be again a supporter of this year’s Privacy Awareness Week (PAW). This PAW is all about promoting privacy as part of everyday business. Running from 13 to 19 May, the theme “Privacy: from principles to practice’ focuses on the need for organisations to develop and reassess systems, processes, culture, and practice […]
Last week, the Windows 10 April 2018 Update was released by Microsoft. Originally known as the Windows 10 Spring Creators Update, the latest release has brought a number of new features to benefit both seasoned Windows users and those starting with Windows. Microsoft release feature updates twice a year which provide new functionality and a […]
In May 2018, CyberGuru will be presenting three professional development opportunities to small businesses, schools and not-for-profit organisations. All sessions are available for registration and payment made to the respective organisations sponsoring or promoting these events. CSPL KnowTech – Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) scheme, Overview of Office 365 and Office 365 features Chris Jeffery, Chief […]
CyberGuru was recently asked, “I saw in magazine recently that it suggested that you should ‘update your [modem] router’s firmware to fix security defects as well as provide optimum speed and performance’. Is this the case and how do you do this?” Yes, it is important to be looking to update your modem router, along with […]
So you have a website, but how can you get it seen by your visitors? Following developing a new website, you may think it is “build it and they will come” but once the website has been launched, it doesn’t stop there! Here’s five tips on how you can attract more visitors to your website: […]
CyberGuru wishes our clients, prospective clients and family and friends a safe, peaceful and happy Easter.
Microsoft has announced the next perpetual edition of Microsoft Office, Office 2019. In keeping with Microsoft tradition, it will arrive in the middle of preceding year rather than the year of its name. In breaking with tradition, Office 2019 will only run on devices using Windows 10 and not on older editions of Windows, namely […]