We would like to wish all our clients, prospective clients and family and friends a safe and happy Easter. We hear the Easter bunny has been granted a special exemption to come to Queensland so we hope he pays you a visit! Our office will be closed from Friday 10 April and reopen on Wednesday […]
In this Ask CyberGuru, we are asked, “My business has started working from home as part of COVID-19 arrangements. We are looking to ensure that I maintain a secure computer environment when working. Do I need a VPN?”. There are two different types of virtual private network (VPN) to consider when deciding if you need […]
Here at CyberGuru, we are excited to launch our new website. Today is a “soft launch” of the new website given current COVID-19 restrictions and our much of our Blog and social media content is focussing on ensuring our clients are recieving the most up-to-date information and advice.
CyberGuru is proud to release “Making the most of technology during the COVID-19 crisis”, an information guide on working from home effectively during the COVID-19 crisis with an emphasis on using technology to its full potential. With many people starting to imagine what life will be like as the COVID-19 crisis progresses, many organisations are […]
As part of Microsoft’s commitment to customers during COVID-19, they are offering Microsoft Teams available for free as part of Office 365 E1 for six months. This offer, available through Microsoft Partners such as CyberGuru, will enable people across organisations, as well as their clients and individuals to be able to take advantage of Office […]
As you would be aware, it is important to be prepared for the coronavirus (COVID-19). In order to prepare if your organisation for a possible lockdown, you need to consider the folllowing: Move to a fully cloud-based environment and implementing online services to be able to work from outside the normal workplace. Our example is […]
As part of Queensland Women’s Week being held between 6-15 March 2020, the Australian Computer Society and River City Labs is holding a showcase that deep dives into career and leadership pathways for women in technology. Currently women represent only 29% of the entire technology workforce. In an effort to encourage more women into technology, […]
CyberGuru’s Chief Guru, Chris Jeffery, presented on the topic, “Emerging tech, opportunities and skills”, as part of the Tech and Employability Skills Conference organised by Australian Computer Society (ACS) Queensland Branch at River City Labs on 27 February 2020. It was well received with over 100 professional year and domestic tertiary ICT students in attendance. […]
The Malwarebytes 2020 State of Malware Report revealed an incredible fact: for the first time ever, the number of threats per endpoint was greater for Macs than Windows PCs. The study by Malwarebytes Labs (link opens in new window) measured the number of threats such as malware, spyware and ransomware per endpoint (a term for devices […]
On 13 October 2020, some considerable changes in Microsoft Office 365 will be occurring to only support modern email software. If you are running Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft will no longer allow these to access Office 365 after this date. Microsoft is making these changes to make email more secure. As […]