CyberGuru’s Chief Guru, Chris Jeffery, recently presented at the Mooloolaba Rotary on “Cyber Security and IT: Protecting yourself and your family”. The session was attended by approximately 30 Rotarians and visitors across Brisbane and Sunshine Coast, ranging from small businesses, not-for-profit organisations and individuals.  

This session covered IT and cyber security topics including password management, the need for commercial-grade security software on all devices, performing regular backups of your files in multiple locations and the importance of undertaking regular updates. We also addressed social engineering and measures to reduce the likelihood of a cyber incident. 

Some of the tips included: 

  1. Setting up internet security software on all devices including mobile phones with a VPN if using WiFi hotspots. 
  2. Using strong passwords on your accounts, or better yet use a password manager. 
  3. Implementing multi-factor authentication on all websites and apps where possible. Install an authenticator such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. 
  4. Automating updates of your operating system, hardware and software.
  5. Backing up your data on a regular basis in various locations (cloud, onsite and remotely).
  6. Having a safe word that only you and family know. If you have a business, have another safe word to use among your team. 

CyberGuru are available to provide presentations to business and community groups. If you know of anyone who may interested in this, please feel free to contact us or pass on our details. 

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